Land Surveyor Continuing Education

A land surveyor will gather information about a property, including land deeds, existing surveys, mortgage records and other relevant documentation that will help establish the true boundary of a given plot of land.

The following online land surveyor continuing education courses have been selected carefully to satisfy the continuing education requirements for LS professional land surveyors to meet their professional development hour PDH or continuing education CE requirements to renew their license. These pdh courses for land surveyors have been selected to maintain, improve or expand the technical knowledge of the LS professional land surveyors in their field of practice.

These online land surveying PDH courses have been carefully selected to meet the State Board of Land Surveying requirements in various States. These online land surveying continuing education courses have been selected to maintain, improve, or expand the technical knowledge of the licensee in his/her field of land surveying. These land surveyor online continuing education courses serve to safeguard (HSW) Health, Safety, and Welfare of the citizens.

Land Surveying PDH Courses

ID Course Name PDH Price
OL542Basic Surveying New PDH Course - Basic Surveying 7$105.00
OL541Basic Surveying Manual New PDH Course - Basic Surveying Manual 9$108.00
OL488A Brief Introduction to Artificial Intelligence New PDH Course - A Brief Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 1$15.00
OL436What is LiDAR Technology PDH Course - What is LiDAR Technology 10$120.00
OL435Surveying and Mapping with Drones PDH Course - Surveying and Mapping with Drones 1$12.00
OL424Cost Comparison between Drone vs Traditional Surveying PDH Course - Cost Comparison between Drone vs Traditional Surveying 5$60.00
OL443An Engineering View of Liability and Negligence in Engineering Practice PDH Course - An Engineering View of Liability and Negligence in Engineering Practice 2$30.00
OL464Surveying Basics PDH Course - Surveying Basics 3$27.00
OL459One More Time How Do You Motivate Employees PDH Course - One More Time How Do You Motivate Employees 2$24.00
OL070Site Planning and Design8$48.00
OL444Basic Concepts of Surveying PDH Course - Basic Concepts of Surveying 2$24.00
OL421Advanced Drone Technology PDH Course - Advanced Drone Technology 7$105.00
OL455History of Surveying PDH Course - History of Surveying 4$36.00
OL246Survey Markers and Monumentation8$96.00
OL387Surveying and Mapping Manual30$300.00
OL434Small Unmanned Craft for Surveying PDH Course - Small Unmanned Craft for Surveying 4$60.00

OL488A Brief Introduction to Artificial Intelligence1$15.00
OL224Acoustic Multi Beam Survey Systems for Deep Draft Navigation Projects8$48.00
OL003ADA Guide For Small Towns3$45.00
OL421Advanced Drone Technology7$105.00
OL225Airborne LIDAR Topographic Surveying4$60.00
OL443An Engineering View of Liability and Negligence in Engineering Practice2$30.00
OL444Basic Concepts of Surveying2$24.00
OL233Basic Geodesy4$60.00
OL542Basic Surveying7$105.00
OL541Basic Surveying Manual9$108.00
OL391Basic Surveying Theory and Practice23$345.00
OL234BLM Glossary for Survey and mapping4$48.00
OL338Complete Street Design Guidelines6$72.00
OL440Concrete Construction12$180.00
OL237Construction Surveying - Bridge Surveying2$24.00
OL238Construction Surveying - Curves4$48.00
OL235Construction Surveying - Earthwork2$24.00
OL424Cost Comparison between Drone vs Traditional Surveying5$60.00
OL449Different Methods of Surveying2$30.00
OL228Electronic Digital Level4$24.00
OL239Establishment of Calibration Baselines4$48.00
OL229Fundamentals of Corner Restoration4$60.00
OL230Geospatial Data and Systems24$144.00
OL231GIS Terminology4$60.00
OL343Guide for Design and Construction of Concrete Parking Lots4$48.00
OL401Guideline on General Contractor - Subcontractor Relations10$120.00
OL390Highway Surveying Manual32$384.00
OL455History of Surveying4$36.00
OL439How to Do Site Work for Construction7$105.00
OL389Land Surveying Procedure NY27$162.00
OL054Landscape Design and Planning3$36.00
OL292Low Cost Treatments for Horizontal Curve Safety8$96.00
OL060Natural Resources Land Management17$102.00
OL232NAVSTAR Global Positioning System Surveying30$349.00
OL459One More Time How Do You Motivate Employees2$24.00
OL139Operation & Maintenance Best Practices22$264.00
OL264Outdoor Burning3$36.00
OL262Outdoor Burning in Texas3$36.00
OL240Planning and Processing Surveys for Civil Works Projects4$48.00
OL241Positioning Techniques for Offshore Engineering Surveys8$48.00
OL244Project Control, Coordinate Systems and Datums8$120.00
OL242Public Land Survey Systems4$60.00
OL236Road Surveying; Reconnaissance Survey4$48.00
OL243Single Beam Acoustic Depth Measurement Techniques8$48.00
OL070Site Planning and Design8$48.00
OL434Small Unmanned Craft for Surveying4$60.00
OL245Structural Deformation Surveying30$349.00
OL388Survey Manual20$120.00
OL246Survey Markers and Monumentation8$96.00
OL387Surveying and Mapping Manual30$300.00
OL435Surveying and Mapping with Drones1$12.00
OL464Surveying Basics3$27.00
OL226Surveying Procedures and Practices8$120.00
OL227Using Differential GPS Positioning for Elevation Determination2$12.00
OL436What is LiDAR Technology10$120.00
OL156Wood - Based Composites and Panel Products3$36.00